ThoughtLab supports equal rights for women and we are dedicated to improving things for all our female-identifying employees year round.
Today is International Women’s Day (IWD). Let’s get one thing straight, obviously, this day should be widely celebrated. Afterall, it’s an entire global day devoted to acknowledging the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. However, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the desperate need to use this day as a call to action for ensuring women’s rights and equality across the world.
It was just over 100 years ago that suffragettes and supporters of the women’s rights movement in America fought to be heard and respected as human beings. It’s incredible how simultaneously long ago (yet not that long ago) this feels. To girls born today, it might feel like ancient history, and yet something as innocuous as Lifesavers candy has been around longer than women legally voting.
Similarly, my mother has told me absurd realities of growing up in the 1960s and 70’s as a woman. She had to fight for the right to wear pants to school and was unable to secure a loan without a signature from her father or husband (she had neither).
In some ways, celebrating today takes a certain amount of cognitive dissonance. How can I, a privileged white woman, post a picture of my mom on Instagram with the caption #WomensDay2022 while women’s reproductive rights are being obliterated state by state?
Essentially, I wonder, how can we all properly celebrate today when it feels like, well, there is more to fix than to celebrate?
Sadly, I don’t have all the answers. But, I do know that sometimes it’s as simple as starting small and celebrating the little things. Paying respect to the progress and wins of the women in our lives. Acknowledging the victories, achievements, and amazing personalities of our nearest and dearest.
So today, let's celebrate the women at the heart of this agency. The women who are breadwinners, who raise children, who overcame hardships, and still kill it at work every single day. Let's get to know a little bit more about our incredible female staff who aren't just the women of ThoughtLab, they are ThoughtLab.
Meet The Women That Make ThoughtLab Amazing.
Tanya Keenan, Account/Project Manager
What’s your morning routine?
I need to drink coffee as soon as I wake up! Then I get my daughter up, get her breakfast, get ready for the day, get my daughter ready for the day, clean up the house a bit and then it’s off to work :)
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t be in a rush to grow up!
Who is an inspirational woman in your life?
My best friend Rayne. She is such a kind soul. Devastatingly, she has lost 2 children and has been through so much, yet she never gives up.
Have you experienced any professional or personal roadblocks in your life? Do you feel part of that has been from being a woman?
I honestly feel like I’ve accomplished so much in life, especially being a single mother for so long. I never let being a woman hold me back from anything I want to accomplish.
What’s your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement is being a single mom for 18 years. My kids are amazing and I’m just so proud of them both.
What women-related myths or taboos need to be broken?
That women aren’t as strong of leaders as men. (That’s crap!)
How do you contribute your wisdom, expertise or ideas to empower other women?
I have strong leadership skills and have been in a leadership role at every job I've ever had so I feel I have a lot of wisdom to offer any of my fellow women co-workers who need it.
Devon Butler, Editorial Manager
What’s your morning routine?
Ignore my alarm clock, continue to sleep, wake up in a panic, rush to make myself look presentable, swear that tomorrow I’ll get up earlier.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
You look better than you think you do! Also, being ‘weird’ or ‘different’ is a good thing no matter how much you are getting bullied at the moment. Just be you.
Who is an inspirational woman in your life?
Unfortunately, she’s no longer with us. But my grandmother was incredible. She survived the Great Depression, domestic abuse, sexual assault, becoming a widow with 3 young children, financial struggles, and consequently, numerous mental health issues. Yet, she was always generous, kind, positive, and happy.
Have you experienced any professional or personal roadblocks in your life? Do you feel part of that has been from being a woman?
While working on my Master's thesis my primary advisor was a much older man. He made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. He always wanted to meet in a hotel lobby, made many sexual comments and jokes towards me, and touched me in ‘non-sexual ways’ (carressed my shoulders, that kind of thing). I never said anything, I just wanted to write my paper and be done with it.
What’s your proudest achievement?
Professionally and superficially, I am so proud of myself for getting into an Ivy League school and getting my MA. Personally, for continuing to survive depression and panic disorder.
What women-related myths or taboos need to be broken?
That a woman’s primary purpose is to reproduce and she’s not complete until she has children.
How do you contribute your wisdom, expertise or ideas to empower other women?
I try to lift up women as much as possible. By listening to them and having their back in male-dominated meetings or spaces. I also try to support as many female-owned businesses as I can.
Colleen O’Neill, Senior Business Developer
What’s your morning routine?
Coffee before talkee :) This is true, but I also make sure I say something I am grateful for each morning when my feet hit the floor. I have a daughter, so I make sure coffee is set & she has all she needs to be out the door by 7:45am. Then, I sit in silence with my coffee & just sort of meditate with the view before jumping into my day. The rest of my routine varies given the nature of my work.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Try not to worry so much & take the time to enjoy every moment.
Who is an inspirational woman in your life?
My mom. She has been through so much as a single mom without support and has always taught us to use our voices, stand strong, fight for what is right and protect ourselves. Most importantly, she continues to tell us that we can do ANYTHING we set our minds to and we should.
Have you experienced any professional or personal roadblocks in your life? Do you feel part of that has been from being a woman?
Yes and yes. Professionally, I have always had to work harder despite my experience. I have experienced all of the following: unequal pay, disparity in promotions, incidents of sexual harassment and bias for being a mother, amongst many other things.
What’s your proudest achievement?
Personally, I grew up hard and had to take care of myself from a young age because my mom was a single mom and didn’t have much means. I’m proud that I have overcome all of the above and continue to achieve despite having to work harder as a woman. But, by far, my proudest accomplishment is raising a daughter who is strong, empathetic, talented, uses her voice, is an advocate, and the kindest human being I know.
What women-related myths or taboos need to be broken?
That sexual harassment is a woman's issue. Women lack confidence, they are afraid to take risks and are too emotional. Also, there are not enough qualified female CEO’s.
How do you contribute your wisdom, expertise or ideas to empower other women?
I am often asked to speak about all of the above. I started early with my daughter and daughter’s friends to stand up for themselves and others. I plan to continue to do so. When I have women working with me and feel devalued, I mentor every step of their career journey.
ThoughtLab supports equal rights for women and we are dedicated to improving things for all our female-identifying employees year round. We believe that every company, every work environment, should promote diversity, equality, and inclusion and ensure these are safe spaces for all.Quote:
Becky Eilertson, CFO
What’s your morning routine?
My morning always consists of a work-out, coffee, getting my son ready for the day, and then finally myself.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Always, always listen to your gut.
Who is an inspirational woman in your life?
Definitely my grandmother. She was such a strong woman.
Have you experienced any professional or personal roadblocks in your life? Do you feel part of that has been from being a woman?
Thankfully no. I’ve never personally felt a roadblock in my life just from being a woman. I have alway felt empowered by it! When I think about it, I’m in awe at all of the strong and courageous women who came before me to allow for so many of the freedoms that I enjoy today. I am proud to be a woman and grateful for those who have paved the way!
What’s your proudest achievement?
Being a mother is definitely top of that list. Being a mom at such a young age and working hard to get through school (and to get my husband through school) to give our family a good life is something I’m so proud of.
What women-related myths or taboos need to be broken?
It’s not perfect but let’s just say, I am lucky to live in America.
How could you contribute your wisdom, expertise or ideas to empower other women?
I feel like we as women should do our best to empower other women. We should support each other, cheer each other on, respect each other, and raise each other up. There is so much beauty on that path and we are all much more powerful that way!
Megan Odekirk, Account Manager
What’s your morning routine?
First things first, COFFEE! I enjoy my cup by watching or reading the news. Then I take my dog for a walk and get ready for the day.
What advice would you give to your younger self:
Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up. Also, live in the moment and stop trying to always plan for the future.
Who is an inspirational woman in your life?
The most inspirational woman in my life is definitely my mom.
What's your proudest achievement?
I would have to say my proudest achievement would be graduating college and creating a successful life with my husband.
What women-related myths or taboos need to be broken?
The way a woman should live her life. There should be no expectations that a woman should get married and have children right away or ever. I am also not a big fan of women being judged for choosing a career over family.
How could you contribute your wisdom, expertise or ideas to empower other women?
I believe the best way to empower other women is by supporting and encouraging one another!
Celebrating International Women’s Day
“Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.” – IWD
Visit the IWD website to learn how you can help raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.